About Us | معلومات عنا so

NEA Team


Al Numeira Environmental Association (NEA) 

Mission Statement: Al Numeira Environmental Association’s mission is to promote innovative water conservation methods and environmental education to build a more sustainable future and improve human well-being in the Jordan Valley.

The South Ghor is a region of Jordan located south of Amman and close to the Dead Sea.  Jordan is one of the driest countries in the world, and water is a scarce resource, particularly in South Ghor where we receive approximately 75mm of rain per year. Due to mismanagement in all sectors and a continued rise in the population, scarcity has increased to an alarming level. Therefore, it is imperative that changes are made in the handling of water resources if we want to continue to inhabit the region.

Al Numeira Environmental Association hopes to alleviate this resource constraint for individuals in South Ghor through the use of greywater management, rain-water harvesting, and permaculture.  Furthermore, we aim to educate the citizens of South Ghor on how they can implement these practices in their own lives, so as to create a more sustainable lifestyle for both themselves and their children.  Since our formation, we have built a team of local volunteers and a network of international support eager to help in our cause.

Main Objectives of NEA

1.    Nature Conservation: Our primary objective is to conserve natural resources, specifically water, through sustainable living.

2.     Environmental Education: We aim to educate both local and international visitors about the positive impact of sustainable living on the environment, as well as the urgency of the water situation in the South Ghor region.

3.     Intercultural Exchange: NEA acts as a multicultural meeting point, where international visitors can experience the local culture, while also sharing some of their own culture with the people of Ghor.

4.     Sustainable Tourism: NEA offers an environmentally friendly alternative to the lavish tourist locations currently present in the Dead Sea region for example biking, hiking, woofing and home stays.

Ahlan w sahlan!

جمعية النميرة البيئية

الاغوار الجنوبيه غور المزرعه والذي كان لفترة غير بعيدة زمنيا يدعى بطواحين الماء والسكر، قد يغدو كذلك ثانية مع ولادة مجتمعات صغيرة صديقة للبيئة من أناس عاديين لكنهم كرسوا جهودهم من أجل التغيير، دون أن ينتظروا التغيير من غيرهم، ويقدم هذا المركز تجارب تعليمية مباشرة من خلال خلق نماذج تحاكي الأنظمة البيئية الطبيعية والمناداة بتغيير أسلوب الحياة بما يتفق معها، وهو يهدف لنسخ هذا النموذج في مناطق أخرى في المملكة ويتضمن نظام المياه الرمادية، وأسلوب الزراعة المستدامة، والأبنية الصديقة للبيئة من حيث الاقتصاد في استهلاك الطاقة والماء واعادة التدوير. ويهدف المركز لخلق ظروف مثالية للعيش المستدام،فهي تقدم الأنظمة الزراعية الذكية، ونمذجة الأنظمةالبيئية الطبيعية،كوسيلة للحفاظ على الماء والحد من التلوث واستخدام السماد الطبيعي، وزيادة التنوع البيئي. أن نقص الماء والانخفاض في منسوب مياه البحر الميت هو المشكلة الأساسية فانه يعتبر أيضا السبب الرئيسي وراء الخلل في التوازن بين الطبيعة والزراعة والصناعة.

ويجذب هذا المركز متطوعين محليين واخرين من مناطق مختلفة في العالم بهدف التبادل الثقافي البئي. و من اهداف المركز ايضا الترويج للسياحه البيئيه والتبادليه لتشجيع السياحه الداخليه,و تمكين المجتمعات المحليه بالاعتماد على الذات واستثمار الموارد المحليه. حيث تحتوي المنطقه على العديد من الاوديه ذات طبيعه خلابه ويتوفر بها الكثير من المياه العذبه والعلاجيه.وبالاضافه الى ذلك يوجد هناك 25 موقع اثري تربط الماضي بالحاضر مثل كهف النبي لوط و موقع طواحين السكر و البحر الميت .

اكتشاف المدن الغارقة في البحر الميت – صحيفة الرأي

من ابرز النشاطات التي التي نضمت الايام الماضيه:-

*المشاركه بمؤتمرات عالميه حول الزراعه الذكيه وتم اسضافه عدد كبير من الخبراء الشاركين للاطلاع على تجربة  جمعية النميرة البيئية حيث ابدى الحضور اعجابهم وقدموا الدعم الفني للمشروع.

*بتاريخ 24 –سبتمبر ,تم تنفيذ يوم بيئ في المركز بحضور اكثر من 80 مشارك .بمناسبه اليوم العالمي للحد من التلوث الذي نضمه جمعية 350 (www.350.org) في اكثر من 160 دوله حول العالم.

*ومن ابرز الانشطه ايضا استضافة عدد كبير من باحثون بيئيون اردنون يمثلون كافة مجتمعات وادي الاردن .وهم من ذوي الخبرة والمعرفه البيئيه في مجتمعاتهم.للاطلاع على تجربة المركز.

10 thoughts on “About Us | معلومات عنا so

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  1. Awesome buddy! Theresa at FOEME gave me your website. This looks great! Miss seeing you, your adorable children and sweet wife. Keep up the good work and hopefully soon I will be doing similar work just southeast of you up on the highland bluffs. Take care. David in Amman

  2. Before it is set up on this website, first here as a comment:

    Directions to the Dead Sea Harmony Center

    ***From AMMAN to the Dead Sea Harmony Center (DSHC):
    Duration: about 1.5 hours

    Follow the signs to the Dead Sea.

    As soon as you are in the Jordan Valley, turn left (South) onto the road 65. You will drive now parallely to the Dead Sea.

    There is a checkpoint at the South coast of the Dead Sea – it is if you come from Amman for you the end of the Dead Sea (by the way, the checkpoint is not used any more).

    Now the description will become more detailed so that you really do not miss the building of the Dead Sea Harmony Center (because there is no sign yet for this center).

    On the right, there is a blue sign with Ghor Haditha.

    You can see houses on hills.

    There is a bridge with small yellow-black columns.

    There is a mosque on the left, then directly a blue sign: Ghor Mazra’a

    On the left, there is a pharmacy and shops.

    You cross again a bridge with small yellow-black columns.

    You can see many shops along the street and a wider space (a bus station) a bit further on the right side.

    On the left side, there is a sign for Ibn Al-Bashar Markets.

    On the right side, there is a yellow sign in Arabic:

    Right after this sign, there is a blue sign showing the direction to Aqaba and Ghawr As Safi plus the hint of road 65.

    On the left side there are two workshop for cars: first a white one with green / turquoise doors, then a yellow-green one. There is a street between those two workshops. Take this street. The first building straight is the Dead Sea Harmony Center. It is right now under construction, you will see that an additional floor is built.
    You are there!

    Now pay attention:
    After short time, you can find on the right side two workshop for cars. first a yellow-green one, then a white one with green / turquoise doors. There is a street between those two workshops. Take this street. The first building straight is the Dead Sea Harmony Center. It is right now under construction, you will see that an additional floor is built.

    By the way, after those two workshops, there is also a yellow sign on the left side of the road 65. It is written in Arabic: مسجد
    If you passed this sign, you are already too far. Turn around and look for the workshops again.

    Ask locals, they are always friendly and happy to help you! 🙂
    Especially in Ghor Mazra’a, many people are related to each other, so it is not unlikely that you will find a cousin of the DSHC director William Alajalin.

  3. Dear sirs;
    Nice idea and good work for a different life to be a new persone for all .
    Go togethers for our goal LIFE is greatand filling with more happenes to be sweet.

    1. Thank you very much, Adnan, for your encouraging words! 🙂
      Best wishes,
      The Dead Sea Harmony Center Team

  4. Wow this looks amazing.!! I am living in London at the moment but I’m Australian hoping to go through Jordan on my way home for Christmas. Do you think it would be a possibility to come and see you guys? I would love to do some volunteering and am very keen to learn more and more about permaculture. With hopes of hearing from you, Sarah

    1. sounds like a good news and you are much welcome any time!any any time you can find out things to do ,Sarah we are waiting to learn from you as well.

  5. Dear William, I just wanted to thank you again for a warm and welcoming hospitality. We enjoyed meeting you and your family and were greatly impressed with your efforts to promote sustainable living. We also enjoyed the location of your house central to some beautiful hikes we did in the area particularly wadi bin hamad. we can only hope that your efforts will help and effect your local comunity. All the best noa&zvika tel aviv, Israel

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